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Showing posts from September, 2016


" So why did you come back? " "Y ou could have stuck it out " " You glad to be back home? " " What's next? " " You still gone try to do the acting thing? " O ne year, one month, a lot of tears, frustration, job applications, and glasses of wine later, the journey is back on. This time, it's back to Chicago!  Now, if you've been following me for a while, you know all about my story and the journey that lead me to this point. If you're just tuning in, let me help you get caught up. Previously, on Aintbritfunny..... Lived in Chicago 6 years. Graduated college. Got a full time job. Hated the full time job. Got a sublease. Moved back to St. Louis. Got two jobs. Traveled a lot with one of those jobs. Saved money. Bought a car. Saved a lot more money. Packed the car up. Moved to LA. Killed a bunch of roaches. Spent a bunch of money. Cried a bunch of tears. Two months passed. Packed the car up. Moved back to ...