"You would be cute if you wasn't chubby" "You don't have a wow factor" "That was a great performance, you just don't have the look we need" "Maybe you should consider another career path besides acting" "You gone be single for hellas" If I listened to all of the things that people said about me, I would have stopped trying a long time ago. Look, as you all know I don't really have a filter. So I'm gonna keep it straight up and down with ya'll. I'm in my 27th year, my waist might be a little thicker, bank account a little thinner but, I've never felt more beautiful, blissful, and ready..... ........to bust a cap in somebody's a** Oh, ya'll thought this was gonna be a sweet little blog post about me turning 27? Come on son, ya'll should know me by now. After a few years and a few experiences on this earth, it's hard not to become old and bitter. The world has it's way of w...
The good, the ugly, the funny.