"LEARN SOMETHING FROM THIS!" -Tyra Banks (Remember when she said that on America's Next Top Model?) Well guys, we've reached the end. I've finally made it to the last year of my twenties. That means, this is my last year to be foolish with ya'll but after that, imma grow up. For real. Lately, I've been doing a lot of reminding myself to slow down and try to live more in the moment. It seems as if one day, I just looked up and my 20's were damn near gone. In my early twenties, my favorite phrase was, "No rush, I got time." But now, I've reached the end and I don't feel ready. Okay so, you know how you wake up early, press the snooze button for 5 more minutes, and then you press it again, and maybe even one more time? But when you finally get up and look at the time, you gotta hurry up, get breakfast, get dressed, drink some coffee and now you're running out of the house with one earring on. That, my friends, is how I...
The good, the ugly, the funny.