-Tyra Banks (Remember when she said that on America's Next Top Model?)
Well guys, we've reached the end. I've finally made it to the last year of my twenties. That means, this is my last year to be foolish with ya'll but after that, imma grow up. For real.
Lately, I've been doing a lot of reminding myself to slow down and try to live more in the moment. It seems as if one day, I just looked up and my 20's were damn near gone. In my early twenties, my favorite phrase was, "No rush, I got time." But now, I've reached the end and I don't feel ready.
Okay so, you know how you wake up early, press the snooze button for 5 more minutes, and then you press it again, and maybe even one more time? But when you finally get up and look at the time, you gotta hurry up, get breakfast, get dressed, drink some coffee and now you're running out of the house with one earring on.
That, my friends, is how I feel everyday. It's like I completely skipped over my 29th year before I even get to it, and I'm already stressing about what I'm going to be doing when I'm 30. But today, I'd like to reflect on the things that I've learned instead of worry about the things that I haven't figured out.
Here's a short list of some hard pills I've had to swallow since my last birthday:
1. You are exactly where you need to be. - No, maybe it's not where you want to be, but you're in the right place. Unless you robbing a bank... then you're in the wrong place.
2. Everybody is not the police. - This was tough one. I always think people are out to get me because I don't trust nobody. I don't trust my damn self because I be using filters a lot. God puts people in our lives for a reason. Let them show you why they're here before making your own assumptions.
3. Meter Maids are trash. - Look, Even if you go in the coffee shop for 17 seconds without paying for parking, they will write you a $50 ticket. I hate them. But I bet you won't catch me slipping no more.
Look fam, the moral of the story is, chill out. I don't care if you're 29 or 89, every one has their own path that they must follow. Hell, I thought I'd be famous by now or at least have an apartment with a balcony and a view. I guess it's not my time yet. And that's okay. I'm exactly where I need to be.
Ya'll be kool. I'm about to start my birthday weekend early. Happy June 24th ya'll!
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