Discipline: 1.) Control gained by enforcing obedience or order 2.) Punishment 3.) Self Control 4.) Training that corrects, molds or perfects moral character - Merriam-Webster Dictionary I started this week off by making a list of 4 things that I want to improve about myself. Just 4 areas of my life that could use some attention. I'm giving myself 1 word to focus on each week. Why? Well, I often find myself writing lists of goals that I want to achieve, things that I want to accomplish and places that I see myself going. But, I seldom write lists of the ways that I am going to reach those goals. For me, seeing is believing. That's why I write so much. If I constantly have those visuals of the words in my mind, it's easy for me to follow that step by step process. For example: I always knew that I wanted to move to California. I knew I couldn't do that without a car. I knew I had to get a job in order to get the car. So I made a list on a poster board stating t...
The good, the ugly, the funny.