1.) Control gained by enforcing obedience or order
2.) Punishment
3.) Self Control
4.) Training that corrects, molds or perfects moral character
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
I started this week off by making a list of 4 things that I want to improve about myself. Just 4 areas of my life that could use some attention. I'm giving myself 1 word to focus on each week. Why? Well, I often find myself writing lists of goals that I want to achieve, things that I want to accomplish and places that I see myself going. But, I seldom write lists of the ways that I am going to reach those goals. For me, seeing is believing. That's why I write so much. If I constantly have those visuals of the words in my mind, it's easy for me to follow that step by step process.
For example: I always knew that I wanted to move to California. I knew I couldn't do that without a car. I knew I had to get a job in order to get the car. So I made a list on a poster board stating that "I WILL get a job. I WILL save money. I WILL buy a car. I WILL move to LA." I hung it on my wall and before I knew it, I'd done everything on that list.
You know what they say, "Speak it into existence!" Well, I guess I write things into existence.
Photo: My brother when I said "Take me a pic...get the mountains too."
My word this week was DISCIPLINE. At the beginning of the week, I thought that meant, preparing healthy foods for the work week, getting to bed on time, send out those emails I've been avoiding, etc. But, God had a funny way of showing me different ways that I needed to be disciplined after coming down with the stomach flu.
I always put money over everything. Like I'm on Cash Money records taking over for the 99 and the 2000's or something. It has been taking over my health in more ways than one. I worry about it when I don't have it. I'm constantly thinking about ways to make more. And I will even put my health in jeopardy in order to get it. Well, after I was sent home from work and told to order my groceries and not to leave home by my mom, I had no other choice but to get somewhere and sit down.
Sometimes God will enforce obedience and order into our lives when we are too caught up to do it ourselves. Or maybe you have one of them Mamas that can still put fear in your soul if you don't do what she tells you to do. Even though she's 400 miles away.
I don't play with Sophia. Okay?
Look I ain't trying to preach to ya'll on this Thursday. The moral of the story is, sometimes, DISCIPLINE means listening to your body, taking care of your mental health and being kind to yourself. If your body is telling you to chill, you probably should chill. I will be making more of an effort to be conscious of my mental and physical health by making sure I feed it positive thoughts, good energy and healthy foods.
I'm going to get me a doughnut this weekend though. I've been eating crackers and juice all week like a preschooler.
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