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Showing posts from January, 2019


"I just don't understand why this is happening to me." -Me, during any minor inconvenience. How many times has unexpected change come knocking and busting down your door before you even had a chance to put on your drawers and get ready for it? For me, more times than I can count. In the past few weeks of January, we've discussed change of habits, unexpected change and changing the way you deal. But, we haven't discussed ALLOWING change to happen. Sometimes, we can see change coming. We don't know when, but sooner or later it's going to happen. And sometimes, we may even try to intercede in order to prevent it. So peep this: I used to struggle with the thought of someone not liking me. I never wanted to be the person to make someone upset, ruffle feathers or cause confrontation. (Now, don't get me wrong; if you come for me, you can have these hands but, I'd rather not, okay?) Ya'll, do you have any idea how hard it is to NOT piss someon...


"Whatever will be, will be." Okay, I'm going to be all the way real with ya'll. Sometimes, it's hard for me to "grin and bare it". When Change happens unexpectedly, I want to cry, cuss, lock myself into a room, turn off my phone, eat a bunch of stuff that's gonna make me fat and feel sorry for myself. The reality is, I can't always do that because I have a job to go to and bills to pay which won't allow me to stay in bed drowning in my disappointment. And that's a good thing because anxiety attacks are no joke. Photo: Me, I took this. Let me be transparent: Something that I always let stress me out is money. Every weekend, I sit and redo my budget to figure a way to pay my bills ahead of time so that I won't get caught up so easily. Sometimes, that works in my favor, most times, it doesn't. When that happens, I get upset and find myself in a stank attitude for a few hours, thinking about how I'm damn near 30 and j...


"I didn't ask for this." Someone once said, " Change happens when you least expect it ". I don't know about you, but when I hear that, I'm always thinking of the good kind of change. Like that one time when I was broke, I found 20 dollars that I hid from myself in the pajama drawer, or when the dude I liked finally hopped in my DMs, or when they sent the new lease and the rent actually went down 50 dollars... Okay, that one never happened but ya'll get the point. You ever been sitting in the break room at work, chilling, scrolling your phone, having a good day, then somebody comes in there talking your ear off, annoying you and now your peace of mind is disturbed. Plus, you now have only 33 seconds left of your break  which you spend hiding from them in the bathroom but it doesn't matter because you see them all day anyway. Photo: Britney Annice That's kind of how UNEXPECTED CHANGE enters your life. It's like "Damn, I w...


"Ugh, I'm bored." Hey ya'll! Welcome to 2019! I'm so glad that you decided to bring me with you instead of leaving me in the old year with all the people you hate. I know it's the top of the year and most of us are already a few days into our new diet plans. We cold. We mean. And we hungry. But, if you want to see change, you have to make a change, right? Photo: My Mama Change is the one thing that is consistent in our lives. Nothing ever stays the same. For the month of January, I'll be talking to you all about CHANGE . Which can mean a lot of different things for a lot of people. For me, this first week of 2019, it meant boredom . Before Christmas, I promised myself that after I finished my last blog post, I was taking some time to myself. Now, if ya'll follow me on social media, you know I go hard with the self promotion. I'm in ya'll face every. damn. day. And it ain't nothing you can do to stop me because I feel like I ha...