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Showing posts from May, 2019


"They must not have nobody to tell em" You know those people in life that everyone knows, "you can't tell them nothing"? They either shut you down when you offer them helpful information or advice, they listen to what you have to say and still do their own thing, or they just flat out get mad when you call them on their bullsh*t. Hi, it's me. I was once one of those people....Until I met my Mama... DUN DUN DUN . I have always been a very independent & opinionated person. But, I can also be very sensitive (I ain't no punk tho). Whenever I would do things and people wouldn't agree with my decision, I'd take offense and think they were being mean or unsupportive. Photo: A Selfie From The Back of My Phone Guys, sometimes disagreement is an act of love. You know when you've had one too many drinks on your birthday, you head to the bar for another and your friend stops you in your tracks and tells you "No More." That...


"I can't commit to that right now" I know, commitment is scary. You're locking yourself into something that you usually have no idea what the outcome is going to be. You have to hold yourself accountable for something. In some cases, there are others holding you accountable as well. And that feeling can be very overwhelming. Hell, some of ya'll too scared to commit to an event on Facebook. Non commitment gives you the freedom to walk away without judgement. Well, I'm going to judge you whether you commit or not. "Word is Bond." - I was always taught that if I gave someone my word that I was going to do something, then I should always follow through. And if I find myself unable to follow through, I should offer an explanation as to why. And the "why" better be a damn good reason. Photo: Paparazzi In my personal experience, I've found that fear was keeping me from commitment: 1. Fear of Disappointing Myself - I launched A...


"I'll never be able to do that..." Happy May ya'll. We are officially 1 month and some change away from my 30th birthday and I still have a back roll to get rid of. But that's not really what we're here to talk about today. kind of is. So, for the past few months, I've been talking about things that I'm overcoming or things that I've already overcome. I don't know if it's because I'm hitting a milestone this year or because for the first time in my adult life, I'm finally starting to slow down and reflect. Photo: My Mama Like many people, I've dealt with insecurities my whole life. I was chubby kid, who got teased. Then, I grew up, lost a bunch of weight, cut off my hair and went natural and nobody liked that either. Then I gained weight and my hair grew and that wasn't good enough. Then I lost weight again and had long hair and by that time, thickness was back in and I missed the boat again. Ya'l...