Booty....I mean, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I really think its booty these days though. I mean, who actually cares about a woman`s inner beauty anymore? Everything is free. Naked pictures, sex, EVERYTHING! I remember when guys would BEG a woman for her nudes and that was a big turn off. Now, if you "Slide in her DM`s" correctly, she`s all yours. And ya`ll wonder why we get mad you come with that same old lame line the first time we talk...well, text "Send me a pic". I`m the girl that`s going to link you to all of my social networks and tell you look at those pics homeboy. Also, while we`re on the subject, lets talk about this generation of texters. I know some women are not going to feel me on this, but I appreciate a phone call. Anyone can text. No matter what they are busy doing. A phone call lets me know that you actually made time to have a conversation with me. Plus, I just want to hear your voice. Because the last deep voice I heard was my brother...
The good, the ugly, the funny.