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I`m a really chill person. I can enjoy the simple life very easily. I`m not really the type that has to be seen. Well, sometimes I do, I didn`t wear this cute outfit for nothing. At least tell me my booty look good in this or I look skinny or something. But I`m not an "attention whore" ok?

I guess that`s why it`s so hard for me to get into the club life. Don`t get me wrong, I enjoy a friends birthday night at the club every once in a while but it gets old really fast. Plus, if I go to a club I want it to be classy. But classy makes you pay to get in. I hate paying for clubs. Why is it $20 for women and $1,000 for men? Is the son of God in that club? I don`t think so. Then, where am I supposed to sit? I have on heels. I only have a seat if I pay for a booth? That`s about the dumbest, most inconsiderate stuff I ever heard in my life. I`m usually the one that gets out of the line after I find out the cover charge. Yep, that`s Britney doing the walk of shame back to her car. Screw that.

But here`s what I do enjoy: I LOVE a good hip hop bar or lounge or a real low key underground Reggae club. People aren`t afraid to dance in those types of settings. I can wear my cool sneakers and the drinks are cheaper. Everybody wins.

See ya`ll, It`s not that I`m boring. It`s just that I like different things. But call me before I get my hair wrapped and my bonnet on.



  1. I can soooo relate!!! I get called "lame" and "old" bcuz I don't go out like ppl in our age group seem to constantly do. I do like to party, but without all the judgement and fashion criteria that is required in some places. Don't worry, I'd do the walk of shame back to your car with ya bcuz whatever money I'm about to spend to get in the club is all the funding i'll prolly have on me for my drank(s). Lol! And if I've already disrobed and put on my pjs and a scarf and someone calls my phone it betta be to say goodnight bcuz i am NOT getting up out this bed knowing i gotta go to work in the a.m.!!

    Btw i love the pic!!


  2. Smh..the Son of God in the club..hella funny


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