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"Yasss girl, you better do it!" or "Work, Queen!". I can not ignore the fact that this black girl magic has taken over for the 99 and the 2000's. I mean look at us! We are being represented in all areas. From fashion, to television, to barbie dolls, and even the judicial system. I mean, we still have a long way to go, but let's talk about how we have been making it happen so far. Sistas, pour your glass of wine, cuddle up with your man, or pillow and let me tell you how you are out here KILLIN it.

You know what makes me happy? The thought of being able to tell my future daughter, my nieces and all of the other little black girls, that they can be anything they want to be. Not that they couldn't before with the help of God. But now, they get to see examples of how THIS black girl is the writer of one of the biggest t.v shows, and THAT black girl is a well respected film maker, and THIS black girl has a barbie doll made in her image, etc, etc. I mean, even as a grown woman, I'm hella hype for us right now. It gives me hope for myself. It gives me the encouragement to keep pressing forward. It gives me the motivation to go to the gym. I mean dang, I want a flat stomach and a big booty too. Ya'll fine.

Look sis, all I'm saying is, I appreciate you. You are out here grinding, taking care of those babies, making ends meet, stacking up those degrees (how many you want? Damn Gina), expressing your art through music, dance, words, rocking the runway, rocking the courthouse, rocking the hospitals, and doing it all while staying fly. Gone Girl!

I know a few of those queens myself. I have had a front row seat in their lives and I see how they get down on a daily basis. I have so much respect for these sistas and you know what? Some of them are single. Brothas, you gotta bring your "A" game though. I don't want to have to kill you in black history month.

1. MOMMY - This lady is the epitome of a strong black woman. If I told you all of the ways she has impacted the woman I am today and the woman that I aspire to be, then this post could get pretty lengthy. She is an awesome mother, hard worker, loving Grammie and geez, ain't she cute? I can see why my daddy had a thing for her.

2. MauMau - Ya'll My grandmother just celebrated 75 years on this earth and can still whoop my behind if I get beside myself. Ya'll she be rocking leggings! Where they do that at?

3. Apryl - 14 years of friendship! She is such a lady. Listen, you got to be a strong black woman to get up out of one school just to go right back into law school. She's bringing home that law degree in a few months. Ya'll know we need a plug in the system.

4. Brittany - Ever since high school you have been a hustler and the friend who always had me cracking up. Beauty and brains you can't beat that. This girl is going to run her own business one day. Ya'll better get ready.

5. Phylicia - One of my best friends from college. I admire your drive and determination. One of the funniest women alive and I suggest that you check out her shows if you are in the Chicago area.

6. DeDe - Girl, how you handle those 3 little babies at one time will forever be a mystery to me. When I have a kid, I'll just send it to ya'll house. This sista is a well educated doula and can do some make-up for your wedding at the same time. Gone Dede. Thanks for my nieces and nephew.

7. Last, bust certainly not least, my little queens in the making. Shawn and Nubia. Here's to your future and being anything that you put your mind to.

Thank you, to all of you queens who have already, and continue to pave the way for our futures. You continue to prove society wrong on a daily basis. I love ya'll and I learn so much from ya'll on YouTube. Like, who taught you how to make a wig? How do you know these things?

The moral of the story is, get you a black girl. We poppin.

Happy Black HERstory Month!



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