"What now?" Y'all, this has been my question of the year. If you get a magnifying glass, and look real closely at my birth certificate, you can see that it actually says Britney Annice- Procrastinator Douglas. Have a seat, I'm gone tell y'all a little short story about how sometimes I be tripping. You ready?
So here's the thing. I may have mentioned before, that I kind of have a short attention span. It's nothing new. When I was a kid, my mom would give me a simple task such as, "Go downstairs, look in the freezer, take out the chicken, sit it on the counter next to the stove." I would hear the first part, but somehow, my mind would drift off towards the end. This is what I heard, "Go downstairs, look in the freezer, have a seat, think about life, eat a snack, call your friends." Five minutes later, I'm at the freezer door like, "Mom, what did you want out of here?" it drove her nuts! So now, when she gives me a task, I repeat it back to her so that I'll remember and so she can cook this chicken because I'm hungry.
Britney Fun Fact: I often repeat important things back to myself after someone says it during conversations. People usually think thats wierd. I'm not wierd. I'm making a mental note. But if you want it to get wierd, it can get wierd. Hell.
Anyway, this has been something that I have been trying to improve. It's easy for me to let my mind get off track and for me to be distracted by things or thoughts that aren't important. Like, I've read 2 different articles while in the middle of writing this post about me being a procrastinator. Go figure.
When I moved home from the Chi in 2013, I was all about my move to Cali. I'm a visual person, so I created a big poster with my list of goals for that year. And guess what? I did every single one. I did the same for 2014 and 2015. I don't know, I feel like, if I can see it, It's seems more realistic.
Cali has come and gone and I'm on to something else. But what else? WHAT NOW? For the very first time in my life, I am sitting here like, "dang, what do I do next?" I was caught off guard. I done even went and got me a regular job y'all. Like, a real job. Like, they have holiday parties. When I get off work it's still daytime. I haven't seen daytime after work in hellas. What I'm supposed to do with all that time? I literally sat here in front of my computer today wondering what more I could be doing to be a better person. And how can I get it touch with Ava Duvernay? What is Serena Williams' work out plan?
From there, I started a new, positive thought process and did some meditating while re-convincing myself that I am the best "Me" out here.
Moral of the story is, stay focused. Keep your eyes open. I don't care how sexy it is, don't look. It's a distraction.
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