"What's the point?"
After you discipline yourself to get on the path to achieve certain goals, you must remain focused on the prize. Whatever that may be. That's why I chose FOCUS as this week's word.
I have always had a problem in this area of my life. I mean, from the time I was a little girl. It would really wear my parents out.
Them: "Britney, go downstairs, look on the table, grab the envelope inside of the book that's on the table and bring it to me."
Me: *Goes downstairs* "Where ya'll say the book was?"
My mind drifted off somewhere between them saying go downstairs and bring it to me. As I've gotten older, I've gotten a little better. But now, my lack of focus shows in different ways. Sometimes, I can't concentrate on my craft because I'm to busy thinking about the negative aspects of it. "I don't know why I'm doing this, it's not getting me anywhere" or "This is pointless, I'm just going to go take a nap." But, none of that ever helps. I just end up feeling unaccomplished, unmotivated and straight up sad.
It's important that we remember our "Why". Why did you start that business in the first place? Why did you write your first song? Why did you move to that new city?
Photo: Sierra Campbell
As I got older, I realized how much I enjoyed writing. I wrote poetry and performed it in front of my peers in high school. They thought I was deep. I really just had an attitude with my boyfriend. I loved it because it was therapeutic for me and was another way to be on a stage.
I loved making people laugh and writing so much that I put it all together and created a blog. It was fun and a safe space for me to be myself.
Ya'll, all of the above is my "WHY".
Listen, the moral of the story is, stay hungry. Everyday is a constant battle. I often find myself having to go back to the 25 year old who believed in herself so much that she moved across the country to pursue her dream. Maybe it won't happen for you today, maybe not even tomorrow but in order to get to where you're supposed to be, you must remain FOCUSED on your ultimate goal.
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