"I'm black every month."
Happy Black History Year! Because I am black all 12 of these months. But, I am going to give y'all some dope, black content for the duration of February. Perhaps a little more aggressively black than other months. I don't know. Hang out with me and see.
This month I want to explore the many layers of us as a people. Black folks are often stereotyped in the most horrible and degrading ways. Our beautiful stories aren't always being shouted from the mountain tops and we have too much diversity within our culture to ever be put into a box. Which brought me to this month's topic of being "BLACK AND..." I guarantee that phrase will end differently for each person. This week, mine is "BLACK AND TALENTED".
Ever since I was a little girl, I've always admired people who did it all and weren't afraid to explore the many talents that they have or even want to learn. We've seen Jada Pinkett Smith as an actress, now as her own talk show host. Jordan Peele as a comedian, now award winning film maker (horror films to be exact). Why can't we see Britney as an actress, funny lady, host, writer, cupcake connoisseur, etc as well?
[Aintbritfunny Definition: A series of events that happen in the life of Britney Annice; be it good, ugly or funny that make for entertaining stories to tell.]
When you hear the name Aintbritfunny, you're immediately thinking "She must be a comedian". I've always run away from that title because I felt like once people found out I was funny, it would be hard for them to take me serious. Which made me fear being typecast along the way in my industry. I've always wanted to be one of those versatile actresses that make you say, "Dang, Britney can play anybody and nail it".
However, during this journey, I've found myself hosting shows, storytelling and doing stand up. And guess what? It hasn't ruined my ability to audition for different types of roles and kill it.
Look ya'll the moral of the story is, get out of your own way. Trust your journey and stand in your purpose. I could have been blocking some really dope opportunities by being afraid. I'm a work in progress but aren't we all?
See you next week.
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